- Used vanishing point. Great tool for getting the correct aspect on doing road re-surfacing. Useful for changing a picture on wall for example and getting the correct aspect. Found a tutorial on that. Might do that one as well.
- Lighting effects under render
- Use of the burn/dodge tool for grubbing things up
- How using some of the different modes work on a brush
- Using a mask effectively
Sunday, 26 July 2009
A post apocalyptic photoshop of Cawood
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Ipod touch cracked.
Spent the morning cracking my Ipod touch. They don’t make it easy! But at least I can copy DVD's ect to it now. I’ve also had a look at putting cracked apps on it. There are loads of steps you have to take to do so. I really can’t be bothered. To be honest I would much rather pay the 59p for the app and have it on my iPod quickly. Plus I can sleep easy knowing I’ve given a developer a few penny's for all their hard work! ha.
I used this site to do it....
Track playing when added: Everything But the Girl -The Heart Remains a child
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Went to see the film "moon" this evening.
I had never seen a trailer or read anything about it until I noticed a twitter from Jonathan Ross who had been raving on about it. So I watched a trailer online and decided it was my kind of film. Was really good. Very 2001 a space odyssey.
Validated my home page to a w3c standard.
Tar dar...
Biggest problem was that I was using duplicated div id's. I should have really been using a class instead of an id. I also needed to add alt tags to my images. This basically displays text if image rendering is switched off or is unavailable.
But that’s only one page. I have a few others that need sorting out.
Dreamweaver has also alerted me to problems with compatibility with Internet Explorer 6. Not sure how to fix these. Need to do a little research in to hacks to sort that out.
Also removed the very annoying problem of having a border around images if they are hyperlinked Easy fix... just set border-width:0px; .
Also need to add these changes to other parts of the site.