Sunday, 26 July 2009

A post apocalyptic photoshop of Cawood

Finally got round to doing a tutorial on how to make a scene look post apocalyptic. I think its worked well. The original photo is of the street my house is on. I then made it look post apocalyptic.
I think one of the things i would liked to of done more of is making things look over grown.
I don't think the well cut bush to the right would look anything like what it does. Maybes i could of replaced it with a bush that's a bit more out of control.

So things I learnt...
  • Used vanishing point. Great tool for getting the correct aspect on doing road re-surfacing. Useful for changing a picture on wall for example and getting the correct aspect. Found a tutorial on that. Might do that one as well.
  • Lighting effects under render
  • Use of the burn/dodge tool for grubbing things up
  • How using some of the different modes work on a brush
  • Using a mask effectively
The original Image

Post apocalyptic

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Ipod touch cracked.

Spent the morning cracking my Ipod touch. They don’t make it easy! But at least I can copy DVD's ect to it now. I’ve also had a look at putting cracked apps on it. There are loads of steps you have to take to do so. I really can’t be bothered. To be honest I would much rather pay the 59p for the app and have it on my iPod quickly. Plus I can sleep easy knowing I’ve given a developer a few penny's for all their hard work! ha.

I used this site to do it....

Track playing when added: Everything But the Girl -The Heart Remains a child


Went go ape for my other halfs birthday last Thursday. Been before. Always a laugh!
A few photos taken before we went up the trees!

Wednesday, 22 July 2009


Went to see the film "moon" this evening.

I had never seen a trailer or read anything about it until I noticed a twitter from Jonathan Ross who had been raving on about it. So I watched a trailer online and decided it was my kind of film. Was really good. Very 2001 a space odyssey.

Validated my home page to a w3c standard.

Tar dar...

Biggest problem was that I was using duplicated div id's. I should have really been using a class instead of an id. I also needed to add alt tags to my images. This basically displays text if image rendering is switched off or is unavailable.

But that’s only one page. I have a few others that need sorting out.

Dreamweaver has also alerted me to problems with compatibility with Internet Explorer 6. Not sure how to fix these. Need to do a little research in to hacks to sort that out.

Also removed the very annoying problem of having a border around images if they are hyperlinked Easy fix... just set border-width:0px; .

Also need to add these changes to other parts of the site.

Starting to really like html and css now, but It’s also incredible frustrating to get stuff working and looking correct in all types of browser. Something I can see as being quite the problem when creating websites professionally

Monday, 6 July 2009

jailbreak/apps for ipod touch

Thinking about jailbreaking my ipod touch... This looks like a good place to start.

Friday, 3 July 2009


Maps photos of your face to 3D! wow wow wee.
Will give that ago over the weekend.
Track playing when added: Cirque- cirque music volume one

Deep Linking

Never had a request for this. But someone was talking to me about deep linking in flash.
Basically it allows you to snap to a specific part of a swf from a a url. how to do so is in the below link.

Track playing when added: Blackwatch - Skindeep