Sunday 5 August 2012

new app simple lists

I released my new app to the android market on Saturday afternoon. "simple lists"
Does what it says on the tin. Its a simple way to make lists. 
You start by naming a list and giving a description and then your free to add list items to it.
Once you have added your list items you can then swipe them left/right to mark an item as done or not done.
Both lists and items can be deleted  by holding your finger down on a item.
Theres also an info button that allows you to see more information about the list or item.

Thats pretty much it really!
Its taken me three months of weekends and evenings to put together.
Ive developed it using the corona sdk. Ive learnt alot, setting up sqllite databases and touch events within a scroll widget. 

But thats my last app, Ive done two now and not received a penny. 

I will hopefully be porting both googly face...

and my new app "simple lists"... the apple market soon. I dont expect them to excel, but its been a good experience working with lua and corona. I think its put some decent feathers in my hat as well.


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